

姓名職稱 吳俊毅 助理教授 吳俊毅 助理教授
研究室 機械系館A棟208室
電 話 (02) 2462 2192 ext. 3210
傳 真 (02) 2462-0836
E-mail wuchuni@ntou.edu.tw
網 站 https://wuchuni.wixsite.com/drwuchuni
學 歷 美國密西根州立大學電機工程博士
經 歷 宏達國際電子股份有限公司經理
研究領域 永續科學-新能源、能源溫差發電、熱電模組與材料、能源材料測量
實驗室 永續科學實驗室 A209 (分機:3203)
教學課程 大學部:熱傳學
著 作 研究計畫 │Selected publications


  • ''研究高轉換效率之熱電材料於船舶上之應用'',科技部109年度計畫。
  • "以火花電漿燒結法製作高轉換效率熱電材料與模組 ",科技部106年度計畫。

 Selected publications

  1. Rachel J Korkosz, Thomas C Chasapis, Shih-han Lo, Jeff W Doak, Yoon Jun Kim, Chun-I Wu, Euripidis Hatzikraniotis, Timothy P Hogan, David N Seidman, Chris Wolverton, Vinayak P Dravid, Mercouri G Kanatzidis, "High ZT in p-Type (PbTe) 1–2 x (PbSe) x (PbS) x Thermoelectric Materials," Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136 (8), pp 3225-3237, 2014.
  2. LD Zhao, HJ Wu, SQ Hao, CI Wu, XY Zhou, K Biswas, JQ He, TP Hogan, C Uher, C Wolverton, VP Dravid, MG Kanatzidis, "All-scale hierarchical thermoelectrics: MgTe in PbTe facilitates valence band convergence and suppresses bipolar thermal transport for high performance", Energy & Environmental Science, 6 (11), pp 3346-3355, 2013.
  3. C.-I Wu, I.Todorov, M. G. Kanatzidis, E. Timm, E. D. Case, H. Schock, T. P. Hogan. “Thermoelectric Properties of Pulsed Electric Current Sintered Samples of AgPb m SbSe17 (m = 16 or 17),” Journal of Electronic Materials, 41(6), pp 1579-1582, 2012.
  4. K. Biswas, J. He, I. D. Blum, C.-I Wu, T. P. Hogan, D. N. Seidman,V. P. Dravid and M. G. Kanatzidis. “High-performance bulk thermoelectrics with all-scale hierarchical architectures,” Nature, 489(7416), pp 414-8, 2012.
  5. C.-I Wu, S. N. Girard, J. Sootsman, E. Timm, E. D. Case, M. G. Kanatzidis, H. Schock, D. Y. Chung, T. P. Hogan. ”Novel lead telluride based thermoelectric materials,” Materials Research Society symposium Proceedings, VOL 214, 2011.
  6. J. D'Angelo, E. D. Case, N. Matchanov, C.-I Wu, T. P. Hogan, J. Barnard, C. Cauchy, T. Hendricks, M. G. Kanatzidis. “Electrical, Thermal, and Mechanical Characterization of Novel Segmented-Leg Thermoelectric Modules,” Journal of Electronic Materials, 40(10), pp 2051-2062, 2011.